cassian sandeberg
I will teach you how to communicate, establish credibility & achieve a balanced well behaved dog.
Like driving a car someone has to have the steering wheel, choosing where and how you proceed. I will help you achieve this by building a solid foundation through structure and routine. This will help you establish credibility giving the guidance and leadership your dog deserves.
You talking to me…
“Love Leo Rescue has been working with Decoding Dogs and Cassian for over 2 years now. He has become our day-to-day trainer for all our rescue dogs and has helped us with issues ranging from separation anxiety to leash reactivity to dog aggression. Cassians many years of experience and practical approach to dog behavior is a breath of fresh air. He believes that 99% of behavioral issues can be effectively managed with structure, rules and of course exercise & praise. He also sets realistic expectations for our adopters and fosters that in turn helps to set the dogs up to succeed.”
“Cassian is our go-to trainer for advice, zoom training, in person classes and one on one training with our fosters and adopters. He also helps us evaluate new dogs setting them up for the right environment. His help and guidance is a key part to ensure the success of our rescue”
“Just met Cassian & he worked with our dog Opi. Definitely recommend him! Cassian knows what he’s talking about! It’s going to take some time and discipline but it’s worth it if Opi can become a better social being”
“When I adopted my one year old rescue pitbull-catahoula mix named Ruby I was overwhelmed by her high energy and aggression toward men. She was insecure, extremely alpha, lunging at every guy we encountered on our walks, pulling on the leash, & barking at everyone. The rescue I had adopted her from referred me to Cassian and what a godsend! He addressed Ruby’s issues one-by-one, and left me with a “toolkit” of constructive solutions with exercises to continue working with her. The training gave me the confidence I needed to take charge. This experience was life changing & I am beyond grateful for Cassian’s expertise. ”
“All I can say is, Cassian truly has a gift and an inexplicable way with dogs. It seems that no matter the problem or behavioral issue, Cassian is able to get right down to the root cause. He tackles issues on a dog-by-dog basis rather than simply generalizing and doling out generic solutions. Instead, he approaches each dog on an individual level, allowing him to then customize his techniques and provide his clients with the most effective and efficient solutions. ”
“In a city where you can’t throw a rock without hitting a dog trainer or self proclaimed animal expert, you are lucky if you hit one like Cassian, who truly IS an expert! I feel very fortunate to have connected with him through an animal rescue group. Cassian brings a lovely blend of talents to his work. He is clearly extremely knowledgable about dogs, their nature, behavior and needs. He has a very realistic and no nonsense approach that is easy to understand and apply, and that works well for many different types of dogs. He is patient, reliable, accessible & exceptionally responsive. Once he’s on your team, he seems to be always available for a consult or support! Above all, Cassian’s love for his job is evident and contagious, making him really fun to work with!”
About Cassian Sandeberg
His strengths lie in building communication between dog and owner. He helps you understand your dog and the behavior he/she exhibits. Then he provides knowledge and instruction in a way you can understand and follow successfully. Cassian believes in giving you the tools needed for long-term success, as in the old adage of teaching a man to fish as opposed to just giving a man a fish.
Changing your dogs behavior is not like fixing a broken leg where the doctor sets it and you're good to go ... you and your dog's development is an on going process.
Through his partnership you will gain the support needed to maintain the training you and your dog receive. It's important that each dog and owner finds a symbiotic life together and Cassian is always available to answer questions and help with your dog's development.
Growing up in rural England, Cassian found himself always surrounded by animals. His parents are avid dog lovers with never fewer than three dogs in their home at any given time. Spending time in the family stable of horses and on the local farms there was never a shortage of wild life to provide ample studying opportunities.
In this caring environment, Cassian learned to interact with animals becoming fascinated with their behaviors. Often taking in and caring for wildlife or simply studying animals survival techniques to family dynamics.
After moving to Los Angeles, Cassian started working and volunteering at local rescues and shelters. As part of the rescue community, he quickly realized how many dogs were given up by their owners due to behavioral issues. For the next ten years he worked with local trainers evaluating and reconditioning thousands of dogs. Interacting with new and current owners, he quickly realized that no single methodology worked for every single dog and that every case must be evaluated individually concluding the only effective way to approach each unique situation is to first 'decode the dog.